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O’Sullivan, N., Posth, C., Coia, V., Schuenemann, V. J., Price, T. D., Wahl, J., Pinhasi, R., Zink, A., Krause, J. & Maixner, F. 2018. Ancient genome-wide analyses infer kinship structure in an Early Medieval Alemannic graveyard. Science Advances 4, 9, eaao1262.
Lipson, M., Cheronet, O., Mallick, S., Rohland, N., Oxenham, M., Pietrusewsky, M., Pryce, T. O., Willis, A., Matsumura, H., Buckley, H., Domett, K., Nguyen, G. H., Trinh, H. H., Kyaw, A. A., Win, T. T., Pradier, B., Broomandkhoshbacht, N., Candilio, F., Changmai, P., Fernandes, D., Ferry, M., Gamarra, B., Harney, E., Kampuansai, J., Kutanan, W., Michel, M., Novak, M., Oppenheimer, J., Sirak, K., Stewardson, K., Zhang, Z., Flegontov, P., Pinhasi, R. & Reich, D. 2018. Ancient genomes document multiple waves of migration in Southeast Asian prehistory. Science 361,92-95.
Olalde, I., Brace, S., Allentoft, M. E., Armit, I., Kristiansen, K., Booth, T., Rohland, N., Mallick, S., Szécsényi-Nagy, A., Mittnik, A., Altena, E., Lipson, M., Lazaridis, I., Harper, T. K., Patterson, N., Broomandkhoshbacht, N., Diekmann, Y., Faltyskova, Z., Fernandes, D., Ferry, M., Harney, E., de Knijff, P., Michel, M., Oppenheimer, J., Stewardson, K., Barclay, A., Alt, K. W., Liesau, C., Ríos, P., Blasco, C., Miguel, J. V., García, R. M., Fernández, A. A., Bánffy, E., Bernabò-Brea, M., Billoin, D., Bonsall, C., Bonsall, L., Allen, T., Büster, L., Carver, S., Navarro, L. C., Craig, O. E., Cook, G. T., Cunliffe, B., Denaire, A., Dinwiddy, K. E., Dodwell, N., Ernée, M., Evans, C., Kuchařík, M., Farré, J. F., Fowler, C., Gazenbeek, M., Pena, R. G., Haber-Uriarte, M., Haduch, E., Hey, G., Jowett, N., Knowles, T., Massy, K., Pfrengle, S., Lefranc, P., Lemercier, O., Lefebvre, A., Martínez, C. H., Olmo, V. G., Ramírez, A. B., Maurandi, J. L., Majó, T., McKinley, J. I., McSweeney, K., Mende, B. G., Mod, A., Kulcsár, G., Kiss, V., Czene, A., Patay, R., Endrődi, A., Köhler, K., Hajdu, T., Szeniczey, T., Dani, J., Bernert, Z., Hoole, M., Cheronet, O., Keating, D., Velemínský, P., Dobeš, M., Candilio, F., Brown, F., Fernández, R. F., Herrero-Corral, A-M., Tusa, S., Carnieri, E., Lentini, L., Valenti, A., Zanini, A., Waddington, C., Delibes, G., Guerra-Doce, E., Neil, B., Brittain, M., Luke, M., Mortimer, R., Desideri, J., Besse, M., Brücken, G., Furmanek, M., Hałuszko, A., Mackiewicz, M., Rapiński, A., Leach, S., Soriano, I., Lillios, K. T., Cardoso, J. L., Pearson, M. P., Włodarczak, P., Price, T. D., Prieto, P., Rey, P-J., Risch, R., Rojo Guerra, M. A., Schmitt, A., Serralongue, J., Silva, A. M., Smrčka, V., Vergnaud, L., Zilhão, J., Caramelli, D., Higham, T., Thomas, M. G., Kennett, D. J., Fokkens, H., Heyd, V., Sheridan, A., Sjögren, K-G., Stockhammer, P. W., Krause, J., Pinhasi, R., Haak, W., Barnes, I., Lalueza-Fox, C. & Reich, D. 2018. The Beaker phenomenon and the genomic transformation of northwest Europe. Nature 555, 190–196.
Mathieson, I., Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S., Posth, C., Szécsényi-Nagy, A., Rohland, N., Mallick, S., Olalde, I., Broomandkhoshbacht, N., Candilio, F., Cheronet, O., Fernandes, D., Ferry, M., Gamarra, B., Fortes, G. G., Haak, W., Harney, E., Jones, E., Keating, D., Krause-Kyora, B., Kucukkalipci, I., Michel, M., Mittnik, A., Nägele, K., Novak, M., Oppenheimer, J., Patterson, N., Pfrengle, S., Sirak, K., Stewardson, K., Vai, S., Alexandrov, S., Alt, K. W., Andreescu, R., Antonović, D., Ash, A., Atanassova, N., Bacvarov, K., Gusztáv, M. B., Bocherens, H., Bolus, M., Boroneanţ, A., Boyadzhiev, Y., Budnik, A., Burmaz, J., Chohadzhiev, S., Conard, N. J., Cottiaux, R., Čuka, M., Cupillard, C., Drucker, D. G., Elenski, N., Francken, M., Galabova, B., Ganetsovski, G., Gély, B., Hajdu, T., Handzhyiska, V., Harvati, K., Higham, T., Iliev, S., Janković, I., Karavanić, I., Kennett, D. J., Komšo, D., Kozak, A., Labuda, D., Lari, M., Lazar, C., Leppek, M., Leshtakov, K., Vetro, D. L., Los, D., Lozanov, I., Malina, M., Martini, F., McSweeney, K., Meller, H., Menđušić, M., Mirea, P., Moiseyev, V., Petrova, V., Price, T. D., Simalcsik, A., Sineo, L., Šlaus, M., Slavchev, V., Stanev, P., Starović, A., Szeniczey, T., Talamo, S., Teschler-Nicola, M., Thevenet, C., Valchev, I., Valentin, F., Vasilyev, S., Veljanovska, F., Venelinova, S., Veselovskaya, E., Viola, B., Virag, C., Zaninović, J., Zäuner, S., Stockhammer, P. W., Catalano, G., Krauß, R., Caramelli, D., Zariņa, G., Gaydarska, B., Lillie, M., Nikitin, A. G., Potekhina, I., Papathanasiou, A., Borić, D., Bonsall, C., Krause, J., Pinhasi, R. & Reich, D. 2018. The genomic history of southeastern Europe. Nature 555, 197–203.
Lipson, M., Skoglund, P., Spriggs, M., Valentin, F., Bedford, S., Shing, R., Buckley, H., Phillip, I., Ward, G. K., Mallick, S., Rohland, N., Broomandkhoshbacht, N., Cheronet, O., Ferry, M., Harper, T. K., Michel, M., Oppenheimer, J., Sirak, K., Stewardson, K., Auckland, K., Hill, A. V. S., Maitland, K., Oppenheimer, S. J., Parks, T., Robson, K., Williams, T. N., Kennett, D. J., Mentzer, A. J., Pinhasi, R. & Reich, D. 2018. Population Turnover in Remote Oceania Shortly after Initial Settlement. Current Biology 28, 1157–1165.
Gamarra, B., Howcroft, R., McCall, A., Dani, J., Hajdú, Z., Nagy, E. G., Szabó, L. D., Domboróczki, L., Pap, I., Raczky, P., Marcsik, A., Zoffmann, Z. K., Hajdu, T., Feeney, R. N. M. & Pinhasi, R. 2018. 5000 years of dietary variations of prehistoric farmers in the Great Hungarian Plain. PLoS ONE. 13, e0197214.
Fernandes, D. M., Strapagiel, D., Borówka, P., Marciniak, B., Żądzińska, E., Sirak, K., Siska, V., Grygiel, R., Carlsson, J., Manica, A., Lorkiewicz, W. & Pinhasi, R. 2018. A genomic Neolithic time transect of hunter-farmer admixture in central Poland. Scientific Reports. 8, 1, 14879.
Fernandes, D., Sirak, K., Novak, M., Finarelli, J. A., Byrne, J., Connolly, E., Carlsson, J. E. L., Ferretti, E., Pinhasi, R. & Carlsson, J. 2017. The Identification of a 1916 Irish Rebel: New Approach for Estimating Relatedness From Low Coverage Homozygous Genomes. Scientific Reports. 7, 41529.
Sirak, K., Fernandes, D., Cheronet, O., Novak, M., Gamarra, B., Balassa, T., Bernert, Z., Cseki, A., Dani, J., Gallina, JZ., Kocsis-Buruzs, G., Kövári, I., László, O., Pap, I., Petkes, Z., Szenthe, G., Szeniczey, T., Hajdu, T. & Pinhasi, R. 2017. A minimally-invasive method for sampling human petrous bones from the cranial base for ancient DNA analysis. BioTechniques 62, 283-289.
Skoglund, P., Posth, C., Sirak, K., Spriggs, M., Valentin, F., Bedford, S., Clark, G. R., Reepmeyer, C., Petchey, F., Fernandes, D., Fu, Q., Harney, E., Lipson, M., Mallick, S., Novak, M., Rohland, N., Stewardson, K., Abdullah, S., Cox, M. P., Friedlaender, F. R., Friedlaender, J. S., Kivisild, T., Koki, G., Kusuma, P., Merriwether, A., Ricaut, F. X., Wee, J. T. S., Patterson, N., Krause, J., Pinhasi, R. & Reich, D. 2017. Genomic insights into the peopling of the Southwest Pacific. Nature 538, 510-513.
Skoglund, P., Thompson, J. C., Prendergast, M. E., Mittnik, A., Sirak, K., Hajdinjak, M., Salie, T., Rohland, N., Mallick, S., Peltzer, A., Heinze, A., Olalde, I., Ferry, M., Harney, E., Michel, M., Stewardson, K., Cerezo-Roman, J. I., Chiumia, C., Crowther, A., Gormani-Chindebvu, E., Gidna, A. O., Grillo, K. M., Helenius, I. T., Hellenthal, G., Helm, R., Horton, M., Lopez, S., Mabulla, A. Z. P., Parkington, J., Shipton, C., Thomas, M. G., Tibesasa, R., Weling, M., Hayes, V. M., Kennett, D. J., Ramesar, R., Meyer, M., Paabo, S., Petterson, N., Morris, A. G., Bolvin, N., Pinhasi, R., Krause, J. & Reich, D. 2017. Reconstructing Prehistoric African Population Structure. Cell. 171, 59-71.
Beckers, A., Fernandes, D., Fina, F., Novak, M., Abati, A., Rostomyan, L., Thiry, A., Ouafik, LH., Pasture, B., Pinhasi, R. & Daly, A. F. 2017. Paleogenetic study of ancient DNA suggestive of X-linked acrogigantism. Endocrine-Related Cancer. 24, 17-20.
González-Fortes, G. G., Jones, E. R., Lightfoot, E., Bonsall, C., Lazar, C., Grandal-d’Anglade, A., Garralda, M. D., Drak, L., Siska, V., Simalcsik, A., Boroneant, A., Romaní, J. R. V., Rodríguez, M. V., Arias, P., Pinhasi, R., Manica, A. & Hofreiter, M. 2017. Paleogenomic Evidence for Multi-generational Mixing between Neolithic Farmers and Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers in Lower Danube Basin. Current Biology 27, 1801–1810.
Jones, E. R., Zarina, G., Moiseyev, V., Lightfoot, E., Nigst, P. R., Manica, A., Pinhasi, R. & Bradley, D. G. 2017. The Neolithic transition in the Baltic was not driven by admixture with early European farmers. Current Biology. p. 576-582 27.
Siska, V., Jones, E. R., Jeon, S., Bhak, Y., Kim, H-M., Cho, Y. S., Kim, H., Lee, K., Veselovskaya, E., Balueva, T., Gallego-Llorente, M., Hofreitert, M., Bradley, D. G., Eriksson, A., Pinhasi, R., Bhak, J. & Manica, A. 2017. Genome-wide data from two early Neolithic East Asian individuals dating to 7700 years ago. Science Advances 3, e1601877.
Margherita, C., Oxilia, G., Barbi, V., Panetta, D., Hublin, J. J., Lordkipanidze, D., Meshveliani, T., Jakeli, N., Matskevich, Z., Bar-Yosef, O., Belfer-Cohen, A., Pinhasi, R. & Benazzi, S. 2017. Morphological description and morphometric analyses of the Upper Palaeolithic human remains from Dzudzuana and Satsurblia caves, western Georgia. Journal of Human Evolution 113, 83-90.
Macintosh, A. A., Pinhasi, R. & Stock, J. T. 2017. Prehistoric women’s manual labor exceeded that of athletes through the first 5500 years of farming in Central Europe. Science Advances. 3, 1-12.
Gallego-Llorente, M., Connell, S., Jones, E. R., Merrett, D. C., Jeon, Y., Eriksson, A., Siska, V., Gamba, C., Meiklejohn, C., Beyer, R., Jeon, S., Cho, Y. S., Hofreiter, M., Bhak, J., Manica, A. & Pinhasi, R. 2016. The genetics of an early Neolithic pastoralist from the Zagros, Iran. Scientific Reports. 6, 31326.
Skoglund, P., Posth, C., Sirak, K., Spriggs, M., Valentin, F., Bedford, S., Clark, G.R., Reepmeyer, C., Petchey, F., Fernandes, D., Fu, Q., Harney, E., Lipson, M., Mallick, S., Novak, M., Rohland, N., Stewardson, K., Abdullah, S., Cox, M.P., Friedlaender, F.R., Friedlaender, J.S., Kivisild, T., Koki, G., Kusuma, P., Merriwether, D.A., Ricaut, F.-X., Wee, J.T.S., Patterson, N., Krause, J., Pinhasi, R., Reich, D. 2016. Genomic insights into the peopling of the Southwest Pacific. Nature 538:510-513.
Lazaridis, I., Nadel, D., Rollefson, G., Merrett, D. C., Rohland, N., Mallick, S., Fernandes, D., Novak, M., Gamarra, B., Sirak, K., Connell, S., Stewardson, K., Harney, E., Fu, Q., Gonzales-Fortes, G., Jones, E. R., Roodenberg, S. A., Lengyel, G., Bocquentin, F., Gasparian, B., Monge, J. M., Gregg, M., Eshed, V., Mizrahi, A-S., Meiklejohn, C., Gerritsen, F., Bejenaru, L., Blüher, M., Campbell, A., Cavalleri, G., Comas, D., Froguel, P., Gilbert, E., Kerr, S. M., Kovacs, P., Krause, J., McGettigan, D., Merrigan, M., Merriwether, D. A., O’Reilly, S., Richards, M. B., Semino, O., Shamoon-Pour, M., Stefanescu, G., Stumvoll, M., Tönjes, A., Torroni, A., Wilson, J. F., Yengo, L., Hovhannisyan, N. A., Patterson, N., Pinhasi, R. & Reich, D., 2016. Genomic insights into the origin of farming in the ancient Near East. Nature 536, 419-424.
Pleurdeau, D., Moncel, M-H., Pinhasi, R., Higham, T., Agapishvili, T., Bokeria, M., Muskhelishvili, A., Le Bourdonnec, F-X., Nomade, S., Poupeau, G., Bocherens, H., Frouin, M., Genty, D., Pierre, M., Pons-Branchu, E., Lordkipanidze, D. & Tushabramishvili, N., 1 Aug 2016. Bondi Cave and the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic Transition in western Georgia (South Caucasus). Quaternary Science Reviews 146, 77-98.
Cheronet, O., Finarelli, J. A. & Pinhasi, R., 2016. Morphological change in cranial shape following the transition to agriculture across western Eurasia. Scientific Reports. 6, 33316.
Ash, A., Francken, M., Pap, I., Tvrdy, Z., Wahl, J. & Pinhasi, R. 2016. Regional differences in health, diet and weaning patterns amongst the first Neolithic farmers of central Europe. Scientific Reports. 6, 29458.
Galland, M., Van Gerven, D. P., Cramon-Taubadel, N. V. & Pinhasi, R., 9 Aug 2016. 11,000 years of craniofacial and mandibular variation in Lower Nubia. Scientific Reports. 6, 31040.
O’Sullivan, N. J., Teasdale, M. D., Mattiangeli, V., Maixner, F., Pinhasi, R., Bradley, D. G. & Zink, A. 2016. A whole mitochondria analysis of the Tyrolean Iceman’s leather provides insights into the animal sources of Copper Age clothing. Scientific Reports. 6, 31279.
Mathieson, I., Lazaridis, I., Rohland, N., Mallick, S., Patterson, N., Roodenberg, S. A., Harney, E., Stewardson, K., Fernandes, D., Novak, M., Sirak, K., Gamba, C., Jones, E. R., Llamas, B., Dryomov, S., Pickrell, J., Arsuaga, J. L., de Castro, J. M. B., Carbonell, E., Gerritsen, F., Khokhlov, A., Kuznetsov, P., Lozano, M., Meller, H., Mochalov, O., Moiseyev, V., Guerra, M. A. R., Roodenberg, J., Vergès, J. M., Krause, J., Cooper, A., Alt, K. W., Brown, D., Anthony, D. B., Lalueza-Fox, C., Haak, W., Pinhasi, R. & Reich, D. 2015. Genome-wide patterns of selection in 230 ancient Eurasians. Nature 528, 499-503.
Pinhasi, R., Fernandes, D., Sirak, K., Novak, M., Connell, S., Roodenberg, S. A., Gerritsen, F., Moiseyev, V., Gromov, A., Raczky, P., Anders, A., Pietrusewsky, M., Rollefson, G., Jovanovic, M., Trinhhoang, H., Bar-Oz, G., Oxenham, M., Matsumura, H. & Hofreiter, M. 2015. Optimal ancient DNA yields from the inner ear part of the human petrous bone. PLoS ONE. 10, e0129102.
Jones, E. R., Gonzalez-Fortes, G., Connell, S., Siska, V., Eriksson, A., Martiniano, R., McLaughlin, R. L., Gallego-Llorente, M., Cassidy, L. M., Gamba, C., Meshveliani, T., Bar-Yosef, O., Müller, W., Belfer-Cohen, A., Matskevich, Z., Jakeli, N., Higham, T. F. G., Currat, M., Lordkipanidze, D., Hofreiter, M., Manica, A., Pinhasi, R. & Bradley, D. G., 16 Nov 2015. Upper Palaeolithic genomes reveal deep roots of modern Eurasians. Nature Communications. 6, 8912.
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Pinhasi, R., Higham, T.F.G., Golovanova, L.V., Doronichev, V.B. 2011. Revised age of late Neanderthal occupation and the end of the Middle Palaeolithic in the northern Caucasus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108:8611-8616.
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